After submitting several route ideas to the MTA, the agency has confirmed that extending the Q103 bus through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel is under consideration for future implementation.
The Q103 route begins in Astoria & ends at the Hunters Point South waterfront. Instead of dropping passengers at the waterfront, our proposed route makes it’s final stop in Queens at Vernon Blvd. & 50th St., before continuing through the Midtown Tunnel, across 34th St. to 12th Avenue; with connections to multiple subways, buses, Penn Station, Port Authority, Grand Central and the NY Waterway Ferries to NJ. Anticipating increased ridership, we recommend the Q103 run more frequently and until 1:00 a.m., to accommodate the many shift workers in the area.
Create an ADA-accessible alternative to the 7 train from Hunters Point, one of NYC’s fastest growing neighborhoods, to the center of Manhattan for seniors, people with disabilities and parents with strollers unable to navigate the stairs at Vernon/Jackson station.
Relieve overcrowding at Vernon/Jackson station.
Provide backup transit during the 7 line’s frequent shutdowns and delays.
Provide Astoria waterfront residents with an ADA-accessible direct route to the center of Manhattan. This neighborhood is a transit desert, classified by the MTA as a “Tier 1: Significant Equity Consideration” in their Queens Bus Network Equity Evaluation.
Provide shift workers at hospitals & other employers on Manhattan’s East Side with public transit to LIC & Astoria, as an alternative to the NYC Ferry, which runs infrequently and not late at night.
Offset the burden of congestion pricing tolls by offering riders a public transit option through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel.
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